Because we offer pet sitting services colorado, we’re often aware of new regulations before pet owners. Here’s what you need to know about the Healthy Dog Importation Act and what it means for international travel.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have enacted a temporary ban on the import of dogs from 110 countries considered high risk for rabies. This ban starts on July 14, 2021. The AKC has been concerned over the years about the threat of highly contagious and zoonotic diseases being carried into the US from dogs imported without basic vet checks or valid health certificates. These diseases include rabies, canine influenza and distemper.
There was an incident in May where a dog imported as part of a shipment of 34 dogs from Azerbaijan tested positive for canine rabies. This canine variant of rabies was eliminated from the US in 2007.
As a result of the CDC ban, Congress has introduced the Healthy Dog Importation Act of 2021. It had bipartisan leadership of Congressman Kurt Shrader, DVM (D-OR-5) and Congressman Dusty Johnson (R-SD-ALL). Their sponsorship should go a long way toward addressing concerns about recent incidents of unhealthy dogs being imported to the U.S.
The uptick in imports is due to a shortage of purebred dogs to purchase in the US. The demand is more than 8 million dogs annually. Breeders in the U.S. cannot keep up with demand, therefore 1.245 million dogs are imported annually.
This huge growth in the importation of dogs has resulted in dogs with non-native parasites and zoonotic diseases such as rabies, viral infections, and brucellosis being spread into the general public. This is causing a significant threat to dogs, other animals, and the humans that care for them. Current pet import oversight processes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Customs that were established prior to this increase in imports are unable to keep up. This leaves a window for the issues we are now seeing.
Zoonotic disease in the U.S. is increasing in the U.S. This is a disease that can be spread across species, including animal to human transmission. Many viruses are included such as corona and can pose a serious threat to U.S. public health.
So How Does this Affect Us as Pet Owners?
- Be aware! Where does your pet socialize with another pet? Do you know if these are healthy pets that will not spread anything to your precious pooch?
Example: What type of care do you arrange for Fluffy and Spot for daily visits or when you are out of town?
Choosing in-home pet sitting services experts will take the worry off of your mind. Your pets are in their own home being cared for by a professional pet sitter. Choosing Inside and Out Pet Care LLC is an excellent choice.
- Be cautious of boarding kennels for your pet care. Investigate fully before you take your pets to a boarding kennel. They are generally just a wire fence away from other pets. Even if they are divided by a wall, caregivers move quickly from one pet to the other and can spread disease without even knowing it.
- Never purchase purebred dogs from the Web. There are scams galore as well as sick imported dogs. Keep control of your heart on this one. I got taken once thinking I was rescuing two Yorkies from a person on-line. This is embarrassing to admit – but my heart took over my brain.
- Know your breeder and make a visit to the home where the puppies are. Be alert and note the conditions of the home, the other pets, and their humans.
- Consider adopting one of the 6.5 million companion animals that enter US animal shelters each and every year. About 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats. Obviously, many of these pets never move on to be with a family. 56 percent of dogs and 71 percent of cats are euthanized.
Pet Sitting Services Colorado
Are you looking for pet sitting services in Colorado? Learn more about what we offer by calling Inside and Out Pet Care at (970) 297-8689.