Pet Sitters-Professional and Hobby Sitter
World’s best pet sitter
Tired of finding a pet sitter you can trust? We offer a flexible and reliable solution that helps you find someone who will take care of your furry friend when you’re not around.
Expert care for your furry friends
Have peace of mind knowing that your pets are in good hands with our team of experienced professionals. Our staff members are thoroughly screened, bonded, insured and knowledgeable about common health issues specific to pets.
Safety and Security
Our network of vetted, trustworthy pet sitters is all screened for references, police clearance checks, and insurance. You can be sure that your home is safe with us.
A pet sitter is a person who watches over pets for their owners when the owners are away. A pet sitter can come to your home, or you can leave your pets in the care of a pet boarding facility.
Pet sitting is a career that requires certain skills and qualifications. The most important qualification is the ability to love animals and enjoy spending time with them. Pet sitters are also required to have some knowledge of animal behavior, first aid skills, and an understanding of how to care for animals in their homes.
Pet Sitters, so many to choose from, so many prices, is the Lower price the best deal?
Professional Pet Sitter
1. Insured for your home & pets
2. Bonded-won’t steal from you
3. Everyone has a clean background
4. Don’t drink on the job
5. Go above & beyond the care of your property
6. Forming a relationship with pets & their owners
7. Trust factor
8. Handy people or licensed service professional on-call
9. Referral source for extra business services
Hobby Pet Sitter or Rover
1. Not insured
2. Could use your alcohol
3. Probably not, background check
4. Just making a few extra bucks
5. Just looking for the next gig
6. Throw a party at your expense